I Just Want to Quit

It is easy to get bogged down. I get it. I have been there. There is so much negativity as I scroll through all the news feeds. I get exhausted just being on Social Media at this point. I admit that I have even contemplated just stopping – just quitting. Continue reading

Starbucks Earned Their Stars

I love Starbucks. I have loved Starbucks before everyone else loved Starbucks. That may be a stretch, but I have been drinking Starbucks coffee for over 15 years. I have visited the original Starbucks in Seattle. I even wrote a … Continue reading

Be Still Comma

I was recently reading Psalm 46 and came across verse 10. The scripture reads, “Be still, and know that I am God….” I have read this verse hundreds of times and heard it even more, but this is the first time I have ever noticed the comma. Continue reading